Thursday, March 27, 2008

Free (and almost free) Stuff!

They say that you never truly get anything for free, but I have to disagree! I've been lucky enough to find out about some great resources from which I have received numerous high quality items free or very cheaply. What a great way to be both environmentally and fiscally responsible. Here are some of my sources. Please let me know if you have more to add!
Freecycle: Receive emails listing stuff that people in your area no longer need. I found a cute holiday garland in good condition at Christmas time. Best of all, it's truly free- there's no cost to join or post. Freecycle groups are located all over the world, so there's likely to be a group near you.
Craigslist: A network of online communities featuring free classified advertisements. There are Craigslist communities throughout the U.S. and the world. Be careful cruising this site at work though, as it may contain adult content.
Freepeats : I just joined this one today, so I'll let you know how it goes. Similar to Freecycle, only more geared towards baby, kid, and maternity stuff. You have to pay $4.95 to join (it's a lifetime membership), unless you join in the first 30 days that they set a group up in your area. It's currently only in New York City, Atlanta, DC, Philly, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Dallas and Detroit, but they're opening up dozens more in 2008.
Consignment Sales: Spring is consignment sale season, and there are deals abound! I'm working on a list of upcoming sales in the DC area that I'll try to post tomorrow.
Blogs: Another new discovery is BabyCheapskate (Thanks, Susan!) This blog is jam packed with information on baby sales, giveaways, etc.
Mom's Groups: Look online for a parent's group in your area. Many of them have bulletin boards where people swap and sell stuff. I joined one in my area while I was still pregnant and have totally gotten my money's worth ($25 to join) out of it. Additionally, I've met some amazing people- always a great perk! Find a group in your area by checking out some of the following sites:
National Organizations of Mothers of Twins Club
Holistic Moms Network
Mothers of Color at Home
Mothers of Preschoolers International
Mothers & More
La Leche League International
National Association of Mothers' Centers

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