Monday, March 31, 2008

Today's Tip: Books-Borrow from a friend or buy used

Reading is one of my favorite past times. As a child my mom used to take me to the library, where I always walked away with the maximum number of books that I could check out. But as I got older it became too easy to walk into my local Borders or jump online for my favorite titles. Over the years, I amassed quite an impressive library; many of the books I haven't even looked at again. Within the past couple years I finally got smart and started trading books with my girlfriends during our girl's nights and searching out local used book stores. Not only has this saved me money, but I feel good knowing that I've saved thousands of trees from being chopped down. I've started a collection of antique books and have also fallen in love with some great used book stores in my area, particularly Hole in the Wall books and the Book Bank. Many used book stores will give you a credit when you trade in your books for used ones; this is perfect for when your child outgrows the books that they once loved so much. So next time that you want to run out and buy the new Harry Potter book, consider this: the MIT cad lab estimated that an astounding 8.4 million trees were used to print all of the Harry Potter books. Search your yellow pages for a used book store near you. If you're interested in donating your used books, contact your local library or consider charities such as Diana's Books which receives donated books and ships them overseas to communities in need. For a list of other organizations that accept book donations, check out this site. Happy reading!

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